Melissa Bales, Rural Health and Nutrition Extension Agent

Know Diabetes by Heart (KDBH) and Health Extension for Diabetes (HED) offer classes in English and Spanish. Eight percent of individuals living in Greenville County speak Spanish. Through the delivery of HED and KDBH in English, we identified a need for these programs in Spanish. Statewide Rural Health and Nutrition agent, Camden Bryan, and Greenville Rural Health and Nutrition agent, Melissa Bales, collaborated with program team leaders to translate and culturally adapt the two programs for the Spanish-speaking population.
HED had its first Spanish cohorts in 2022 and is starting additional cohorts in February of this year. KDBH had its first Spanish groups in early 2022 and will offer many program dates in 2023. The first KDBH offered in English and Spanish for Greenville County was offered in January. For more information about KDBH and HED in Spanish, contact Camden Bryan at or 843-504-0299.
There are five online cohorts for English HED enrolling in February for Greenville County and one in-person English HED enrolling in February for Laurens County. KDBH was offered in both languages in January both in-person and online. For more information about KDBH and HED in English, contact Melissa Bales at or 864-365-0635.