Want to get your kids involved with hands-on experiences that engage them AND develop their leadership skills?
Register them today for a Fairfield County 4-H Club.
The 2024 – 2025 4-H year began on September 1st, and with the start of a new year comes new opportunities. Fairfield County 4-H is proud to announce their new clubs for the upcoming year.
Fairfield County 4-H Clubs:

Horse Club – Hosted by Joyner Family Farms – Focusing on Horsemanship, Hippology, and Horse Care.
Farm Animals & Sustainability Club – Hosted by Set In Stone Sustainability Farm – Focusing on raising farm animals and other farm projects, specifically showmanship with hogs.
Homesteading Club – Hosted by Crazy Chic Heritage Farms – Focusing on farm and homesteading projects.
Homeschool Club – Hosted by Mrs. Martina – including STEM, agriculture, healthy living, and civic engagement.
Life Skills & Farming Club – Hosted by Da Spott – Focusing on best practices in farming and life skills, such as plumbing, electrical, etc.

A 4-H Club is a group of youth that get together on a regular schedule to “learn by doing”. The club can either have a central focus or be based entirely on the group’s interest, but they all work towards completing a project. Since the primary focus in a club is to “learn by doing”, kids also develop leadership skills by working with other youth to help facilitate the club.
Over the next few weeks, we will be showcasing our clubs for the upcoming year on our Facebook page, so keep checking in for more information. You can also view and register for our clubs at 4-H Online or contact Mrs. Martina for more information:
Martina Wicker: mewick@clemson.edu | 864.985.2904