Clemson Agricultural Safety

Stress Management – April 2023

Stress Management

Stressful situations and events are a part of everyone’s lives. While this is the case, there are many ways to help mitigate and overcome stressful situations.

1. Always have a plan in the event of emergencies: Emergencies cause stress that is often not accounted for in everyday life. Before an emergency ensues, ensure that you, your family, or your business partners have a plan in the event of an emergency. This plan will limit the emotions that are often brought into emergency situations and help limit some of the stress involved.

2. Ensure you get enough sleep: Emotions are heightened when sleep-deprived, leading to more stressful situations. While getting enough sleep may be difficult during stressful times, sleep is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

3. Have a support team and keep communication easy: When in a stressful situation, it may seem like you are alone on an island. However, this is often not the case. Those around you do not want to see you in stressful situations and are there to help you. Always remember that help is just around the corner, and being vulnerable with them is okay. Everyone is human and has been through a stressful time in their life.

4. Take time for the simple things in life: During stressful times, it may seem that everything needs to be done in a rush. Rushing through life merely makes everything more stressful. Take time to do something you enjoy to help limit the stress in your life.

While all of these tips may seem so easy during simple, easy-going times, they all become much more difficult during stressful times.

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