Mark McGrady currently owns Colorscapes Supply Company selling quality soils and fertilizers to landscapers, growers, and farmers across the state of South Carolina. After managing a local garden center and nursery for almost twenty years, he has seen the ins and outs of many green industry operations. How did you hear about Clemson’s Agricultural Safety […]
Mrs. Epperly grew up in Orangeburg, SC where her father owns a tree nursery. She spent a lot of her time growing up doing a multitude of tasks related to the business, piquing her interest in agriculture. After graduating from Clemson, she now teaches Horticulture at Mauldin High School. How often do you run across […]
Katherine manages three commodity boards at SCDA that are all checkoff programs. She is also the marketing specialist of those three commodities. Katherine’s life has been centered around agriculture, as she comes from a family farm, where she is proud to say she is the third generation. Their family farm has changed over the years […]
“In my job at Farm Bureau, I work to manage and improve the member experience, train volunteer leaders within the organization, and develop the leadership experiences and capabilities of our members through the collegiate, YF&R and AG Leaders programs. Working with farmers and supporting the agriculture industry is such a wonderful privilege.” What has been […]
“I am currently working on a PhD in Plant and Environmental Sciences while working full-time at Savannah River Site as a firefighter/EMT. I grew up in the rural town of Starr, SC where I spent the majority of my time helping my grandfather on his farm. When I entered high school, I joined the FFA […]
“Like many youths in the 70’s, I started mowing lawns in the summer when I was twelve years old. At the age of fifteen, I started caddying and working at a local golf course in Arlington, Virginia. After many attempts at different career paths, I took the advice of several of the golf course superintendents […]
“I honestly had no agricultural experience (beyond being a lifelong horseback rider) before college. I started out at Clemson University as a Mechanical Engineering student and completed two years before deciding the major wasn’t the hands-on experience that I was looking for. My academic advisor recommended that I look into the Agricultural Mechanization and Business […]
“My current position with Clemson Cooperative Extension allows me to serve as a liaison between Extension and Development, and provides me the opportunity for state-wide Extension events coordination and planning. I was born and raised on a row crop and cattle operation in Southeast Georgia, so I have literally been around agriculture my entire life. […]
“Upon graduation in May of 2017 from Clemson University, I was given the opportunity to do something I have aspired to do my entire life. Growing up in rural Georgia and South Carolina, farming was always something that struck a huge interest in me. During my time at Clemson, on top of majoring in Agricultural […]
Michael Masters Hometown: Liberty, SC Position: Agricultural Sciences Shop Manager “I currently work at Clemson Univesity as the Agricultural Sciences Shop Manager. I work to manage two teaching shops and one research shop for the department. Along with managing shops, I oversee one of the labs that are taught here. In this lab, we teach […]