Savannah Valley District

Hampton Jr. Leadership Program Begins

Dawn Stuckey, 4-H Youth Development Agent September marked the beginning of a new leadership program for teens in Hampton County, Hampton County Jr. Leadership. Hampton County Jr. Leadership is a 4-H Program dedicated to developing high school-age participants into young leaders. This program will provide training in the areas of personal and leadership development, networking, […]

Clover Correspondence

Dawn Stuckey, 4-H Youth Development Agent – Colleton and Hampton County From the first fair in 1957 to today, the goals of the Coastal Carolina Fair have remained the same: to raise money for local charities, scholarships, and various community needs and to provide the best family-oriented entertainment for the Lowcountry. This mission has long […]

Discover Your Best Self!

Akendra Garrett, EFNEP Agent – Berkeley and Charleston Counties Middle school is an important period for adolescents to establish healthy habits that will last a lifetime. It promotes optimal growth and development by allowing youth to become more independent and assist with healthier eating practices. Students at Hanahan Middle School demonstrate exactly that! Mrs. Hill, […]

Environmentally Focused Holiday Shopping Tips

Beatriss Calhoun, Water Resources Extension Agent The holiday season is fast approaching; however, keeping your water quality in mind is never too late. The increased travel, shopping, and shipping during the holiday season can take a toll on our environment. Below, you will see that with a bit of planning and mindful choices, you can […]

Master Rain Gardener Field Day

By: Samantha Porzelt, Water Resource Agent Every fall Clemson Extension provides technical training opportunities for residential and professional audiences through the Master Rain Gardener Hybrid Course. The course includes 5 online modules and an in-person field day where participants get to install a rain garden. The field day consists of site assessments, soil assessments, soil […]

Shoreline Buffer Workshop

By: Samantha Porzelt, Water Resource Agent On September 25th Clemson Extension hosted a pond buffer workshop in partnership with Dorchester County Parks & Rec and Friends of Dorchester County Parks at Ashley River Park in Summerville. The workshop began with a presentation by Water Resources Agent Ellen Sturup Comeau introducing stormwater ponds, recreational ponds, and […]

Dorchester & Colleton Counties’ 4-H GROWS LIVESTOCK!

By: Molly Jones Dorchester 4-H Youth Development Agent Rapid growth and development in Dorchester and Colleton Couties are bringing an influx of folks with children interested in participating in extra-curricular activities. 4-H is a wonderful outlet for children that are interested in animals and agriculture to cultivate those passions and grow with our program. As […]

Heavy Rains can cause Damage to Your Septic System

Susan Lunt, Carolina Clear Coordinator and  Water Resources Extension Associate Heavy rains can saturate a septic drainfield and can cause your septic system to malfunction. There are steps to take to help protect your septic system before, during, and after a flood. By keeping your septic system properly maintained, you are ultimately better protecting your […]

A Slice of Summer

Akendra Garrett, EFNEP Agent – Berkeley and    Charleston Counties As we embrace the warmth of summer, with hotter temperatures and longer days, it is an excellent opportunity to work toward our health and well-being goals. Going outside for outdoor activities and fun-filled adventures is always wonderful. I want to share a few pointers with […]

Ways to Use Cherry Tomatoes

Gayle Williford, Food Systems and Safety / 4-H Agent, Berkeley County Your mid-summer home garden is pumping out vegetables faster than you can harvest them. The cherry tomatoes are piling up on your kitchen counter. What can you do with them? Don’t waste them. Cherry tomatoes are very versatile. They can be used as garnishes, […]