Christine J. Patrick, County Extension Agent – EFNEP Ice cream has come a long way since Emperor Nero sent enslaved people to the mountains to retrieve ice and snow, which was brought back to Rome, where it was mixed with nectar, fruit pulp, and honey. Historians say that Marco Polo brought back to Europe from […]
Christine J. Patrick, County Extension Agent – EFNEP Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated when outdoor temperatures and humidity are extremely high. Dehydration is a health risk, especially for young children and the elderly. To avoid dehydration and keep your body working, usually during the summer months, replace water lost through sweating, breathing, urination, […]
Molly Jones, 4-H Youth Development Agent – Dorchester County Miss Macie Thomas of Dorchester County was awarded two outstanding awards in South Carolina 4-H at the South Carolina 4-H Congress Awards Banquet on July 8, 2022. Macie earned the National 4-H Congress Award, this trip (and small educational scholarship) is awarded to Senior 4-H members with […]
Christine J. Patrick, County Extension Agent – EFNEP Are you looking for ways to preserve the yellow or zucchini squash that grows so abundantly in summer gardens in South Carolina? The best options are to either freeze or pickle summer squash. The USDA has withdrawn recommendations for canning summer squash, including zucchini, that appeared in […]
Nicole Correa, Area Livestock/Forages Agent – Calhoun and Orangeburg Counties Hay season is upon us, and we are thankful for these recent rains! Calhoun and Orangeburg counties have finally enjoyed a little bit this week; hopefully, the pastures and hay fields will reflect that zoon. As we all know, fertilizer prices are sky high, so […]
Charly M. Greenthaler, Water Resource Agent – Calhoun County As pond problems increase along with our summer temperatures, remember that we are always happy to help identify any problem weeds and make control recommendations. One to be on the lookout for is Blue-Green Algae. Blue-Green Algae, also known as Cyanobacteria, can range in color but […]
Felicia C. Cunningham, 4-H Youth Development Agent FUN AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES HEALTHY HABITS ACTIVITIES STEM ACTIVITIES 4-H lessons and activities were conducted at various locations (Polaris Tech, Agape Center, Boys and Girls Club, Ridgeland Baptist Church, Avery Thompson Center, Kingdom Touch Ministries, […]
Ellen Sturup Comeau, Beaufort Water Resource Agent Coastal flooding is a significant issue in South Carolina. There are currently 229,000 people at risk of flooding. Experts predict that the number will increase due to frequent major storms, rising sea levels, and other climate change-related issues. Many coastal residents experience flooding but do not understand its causes […]
Meghan Barkley, Beaufort County 4-H Agent Twelve youth from all across Beaufort County have graduated from the 2021-2022 Beaufort Junior Leadership inaugural class. This 4-H program is dedicated to developing high school-age participants into young leaders. Youth received personal and leadership development training, networking, communication, financial management, and civic engagement. Youth participated in hands-on 4-H […]