Savannah Valley District

Flooding 411

Ellen Sturup Comeau, Beaufort Water Resource Agent

Coastal flooding is a significant issue in South Carolina. There are currently 229,000 people at risk of flooding. Experts predict that the number will increase due to frequent major storms, rising sea levels, and other climate change-related issues. Many coastal residents experience flooding but do not understand its causes or what they can do to mitigate and recover from its effects.

Clemson Extension partnered with the SC SeaGrant Consortium, the ACE Basin NERR Coastal Training Program, and the North Inlet-Winyah Bay NERR Coastal Training Program to form a response to this need for flood-related information. These partners held a series of four 90-minute webinars called “Flooding 411” to deliver this information. These webinars taught coastal South Carolina residents about flooding in their communities, protecting their lives and property, and what to do when impacted by flooding.

Each session of “Flooding 411” had an average of 30 participants. The evaluations revealed that an average of 96% of respondents thought the series was a good use of their time and an average of 100% of respondents gained knowledge. With the information presented during the series, residents will be more able to understand their flood risk, prepare themselves and their property for floods, and understand how to find and leverage recovery resources.

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