July 14, 2022
Ellen Sturup Comeau, Beaufort Water Resource Agent Coastal flooding is a significant issue in South Carolina. There are currently 229,000 people at risk of flooding. Experts predict that the number will increase due to frequent major storms, rising sea levels, and other climate change-related issues. Many coastal residents experience flooding but do not understand its causes […]
July 14, 2022
Meghan Barkley, Beaufort County 4-H Agent Twelve youth from all across Beaufort County have graduated from the 2021-2022 Beaufort Junior Leadership inaugural class. This 4-H program is dedicated to developing high school-age participants into young leaders. Youth received personal and leadership development training, networking, communication, financial management, and civic engagement. Youth participated in hands-on 4-H […]
July 14, 2022
Steve Richards, Director of SC Center for Cooperative and Enterprise Development Livestock farmers have been struggling to find animal processing spots since before the COVID-19 pandemic. And while things have gotten marginally better, there are no easy answers on increasing meat processing capacity in South Carolina. That’s why we need to cooperate! With the help of […]
July 11, 2022
Hannah Mikell, Clarendon County Agronomy Agent Clarendon County Extension provides research to determine optimal corn variety selection for local climate and soils. This historical knowledge base improves understanding of local issues emerging in corn. Clarendon County had a 2019 Corn value of $1,891,985. Each year corn acreage fluctuates between 10,000 to 20,000 acres. The corn […]
July 8, 2022
Hannah Mikell, Clarendon County Agronomy Agent The U.S. Tobacco Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) program is an industry-wide program supported and funded by all tobacco buying and manufacturing companies in the United States. Growers are encouraged to provide ongoing training and education to workers in all elements of GAP to ensure that everyone involved in tobacco […]
July 7, 2022
Alyssa Jones, Clarendon County 4-H Agent If you are curious about 4-H, take some time over the summer to check out all our organization’s unique opportunities. What is 4-H? It’s a youth organization that provides children with learning experiences through the learn-by-doing approach. We focus on the following topics: Agriculture & Animals, Civic Engagement and […]
July 7, 2022
Alyssa Jones, Clarendon County 4-H Agent Clarendon County 4-H has had a great summer! We held a summer camp the week of June 11th that focused on 4-H topics. The students learned about agriculture and animals, healthy food choices, advancements in technology and design, and natural resources. We had an excellent presentation from our 4-H […]
June 21, 2022
Marion Barnes, County Extension Agent Working outside is a daily reality for those who make their living farming. This can mean long hours in the hot, humid summer growing season. To protect themselves, farmers should be familiar with heat stress and heat-related illnesses and take proper steps to prevent them. What is heat stress? The human […]
March 30, 2022
Hey, everyone! My name is Alyssa, and I am the new 4-H Agent in Clarendon County. I look forward to meeting you all, either via Zoom or in person, to discuss plans for the next few years and figure out dates and times for workshops and new club meetings. This year has been busy already […]