Savannah Valley District

What goes in a three-day Emergency Food Supply?

CLEMSON EXTENSION SERVICE BY: CHRISTINE PATRICK COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT WHAT GOES IN A THREE-DAY EMERGENCY FOOD SUPPLY? Emergencies come in all shapes and sizes – ice storms, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes. Each can leave you dependent on supplies you have at home for a short time. A three-day emergency preparedness kit will be useful for most […]

In the Blink of an Eye – Farm Safety Newsletter – Summer 2021 Vol. II

“In the Blink of an Eye” Farm Safety Newsletter Summer 2021 Vol. II Marion Barnes, Senior County Extension Agent Clemson University   Harvest Season Can Be a Dangerous Time For Farmers Harvest season is a busy time for most farm operations. In today’s agriculture, time means money regarding yields, production schedules, and operating costs. However, […]

Steven Crowder – County Agent – Allendale and Hampton Counties

In July 2021, Steven Crowder began his career with Clemson Extension joining the Agronomy Program team filling the role as the County Agent for Allendale and Hampton Counties. He graduated in May 2021 from Clemson University with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Mechanization. Originally from a family farm in Greenwood County, he grew up showing […]

Homemaker’s Column: The Sunshine Vitamin

HOMEMAKER’S COLUMN BY: CHRISTINE PATRICK COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT THE SUNSHINE VITAMIN The summertime’s most prolific nutrient is found above. Vitamin D, also known as “the sunshine vitamin,” is unique in the fact that its predominant source is not food, but sunlight. As opposed to water-soluble vitamins that should be consumed daily, vitamin D is a […]

Thank You & Good Luck Campbell Pryor

The Colleton County Clemson Extension office would like to wish the best of luck to Campbell Pryor as he enters his Senior Year at Clemson University. Campbell was the Summer 2020 and Summer 2021 Intern for the Colleton County office. As many of us can relate, Campbell’s first year as an intern was not a […]

Homemaker’s Column: Fluid Needs

HOMEMAKER’S COLUMN BY: CHRISTINE PATRICK COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT   FLUID NEEDS Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated when outdoor temperatures and humidity levels are extremely high. Dehydration is a health risk, especially for young children and the elderly. To avoid dehydration and keep your body working normally during the summer months, replace water lost […]