Savannah Valley District

Hay Season is Upon Us

Nicole Correa, Area Livestock/Forages Agent – Calhoun and Orangeburg Counties

Hay season is upon us, and we are thankful for these recent rains!  Calhoun and Orangeburg counties have finally enjoyed a little bit this week; hopefully, the pastures and hay fields will reflect that zoon.  As we all know, fertilizer prices are sky high, so expect that your hay prices this year will also reflect those changes.  Hay producers here in the South have battled a late frost, lack of rain, and high fertilizer prices, and we should be very thankful that they continue to do what they do.

The Orangeburg Cattlemen’s Association, which includes Calhoun County, has been meeting every other month to ensure that cattlemen and cattlewomen have the most up-to-date information on the industry.  We have had great speakers recently that have provided pesticide credits, beef quality assurance certification, and information on current/upcoming policies in the legislature.  Our next meeting will be on Thursday, August 18 at 7:00 pm, and if you haven’t received an invitation in the past but would like to start attending, please email Nicole Correa at or call (808) 397-9026 to get signed up.  RSVPs for August will be allowed until August 4 at noon.  Please note that the phone number is an out-of-state area code, but it is the correct number to call.

We look forward to the second half of the year, which will be show season and auction season for livestock.  We hope to see everyone at the Orangeburg County Fair from October 4-9 and the State Fair from October 12-23.  We hope to provide excellent learning opportunities for youth with livestock and want to support them to become great livestock stewards as adults!  For upcoming auction information, please get in touch with Nicole Correa directly, as that can be specified and breed-specific.

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