Savannah Valley District

Discarding Spoiled Canned Foods Safely

Christine Patrick, County Extension EFNEP Agent Home food preservers need to know what to do if a jar of food spoils or was improperly processed. Foods must be processed properly to kill bacteria that cause foodborne illness. High-acid foods like fruits and jams must be processed in a water bath canner to prevent molds and […]

Soup for Cold Winter Days

Christine Patrick, County Extension EFNEP Agent There are lots of good reasons to eat soup during January, National Soup Month.  Soup warms the body during the cold days of January and February, but it also warms the heart and soul. It’s simple and it’s the ultimate comfort food—always a welcome change after the holiday frenzy. […]

2023 Fruit Tree Sale – Beaufort and Jasper County

Clemson Extension 4-H

Clemson Extension Annual Tree Sale Returns BEAUFORT, South Carolina – Clemson Extension is hosting the annual fruit and ornamental tree sale.  This sale is a fundraiser to benefit Beaufort & Jasper County 4-H programs.  A wide range of bare root trees will be available for purchase.  Among some of the fruit varieties offered are blueberries, […]

New Year’s Resolutions

Christine Patrick, County Extension EFNEP Agent New Year’s resolutions, coming as they do after the excesses of the holidays, typically have to do with living a smarter, healthier lifestyle. And the most common resolutions focus on foods and eating habits—resolutions such as “lose weight, avoid fast foods, eat more vegetables, drink more water,” and so […]

Moldy Cakes, Pies, & Bread

Christine Patrick, County Extension EFNEP Agent The holidays are the high season for baking bread, cakes, and pies. Bakers are taking extra time to achieve perfect results, seeking fresh ingredients, and using high-quality recipes. These baked treats take extra time, money, and effort but the result is a great final product. Home-baked foods are often […]

Winter Management of Cattle

Nicole Correa and Hillary Pope, Area Livestock & Forages Agents Preparing your livestock for the winter months may seem less daunting here in the South, unlike some mid-western states that see a lot of snow. However, it is just as vital for us as it is for others. We would like to include a few tips […]

Pie Fillings

Christine Patrick, County Extension EFNEP Agent The recipes for fruit pie fillings all use a modified food starch called Clear Jel®. This starch produces the correct thickening, even after the fillings are canned and baked. Other starches, such as cornstarch, break down and result in a runny filling. Clear Jel® must be used as the […]

Making Comfort Foods Healthier

Christine Patrick, County Extension EFNEP Agent When the weather gets cooler and the leaves start turning beautiful colors, you may look forward to eating warm, rich, and hearty comfort foods. Unfortunately, they can wreck your diet and cause you to pack extra pounds unless you modify your recipes or limit your portions. Research shows that […]

Lower the Sodium & Turn Up the Flavor for Thanksgiving

Christine Patrick, County Extension EFNEP Agent Thanksgiving is a holiday dedicated to the act of indulging in a plentiful array of edible traditions. Unfortunately, it usually turns into the act of overindulging. One particular substance that is often eaten in excess during this delectable holiday is sodium. Some media outlets suggest that the average person […]

Freezing Prepared Foods

Christine Patrick, County Extension EFNEP Agent Preparing food ahead of time and freezing it can save time, add variety to your menu, offer quick meals for unexpected company and provide nutritious choices for busy days. When you are preparing a main dish, it takes only a little more effort and time to make enough for […]