Clemson Agricultural Safety

Extreme Heat Safety – July 2024

Extreme Heat Safety

Extreme heat is defined as a series of hot days that are much hotter than the average. This type of event is the deadliest weather phenomenon, with more fatalities from extreme heat events than any other weather-related event. It is important to take the necessary precautions to keep yourself, youth, and pets safe during extreme heat. Check out the tips below to stay safe this summer!

Stay Hydrated!

  • The average person needs to consume at least 3/4 of a gallon of water each day, or 96 ounces.
  • While outside, avoid sugary, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverages because this can drastically speed up the dehydration process as your body is using more water to process the beverages.
  • If you are sweating a lot, water may not be the only thing your body needs. It’s important to have a snack or drink a sports drink to replenish salt and electrolytes in your body.

Make Sure to Stay Cool!

  • If possible, stay in air conditioned locations as long as possible and limit unnecessary time outside.
  • Wear your best cool clothing as possible. Cotton is best during times of extreme heat because of its breathability.
  • Take cold showers and baths to cool down after being outside.
  • If you must be outside, attempt to schedule outside events during the mornings or evenings when it is much cooler outside.

Heat Cramps

Symptoms: heavy sweating with muscle pain or spasms caused by a large loss of salt and water in the body

1. Move to a cool place
2. Drink water or a sports drink
3. Seek medical help right away if:
a. Cramps last longer than 1 hour.
b. Person affected has a heart problem

Heat Exhaustion

Symptoms: heavy sweating, cold/pale/clammy skin, fast & weak pulse, nausea or vomiting, muscle cramps, tiredness or weakness, dizziness/headache/passing out

1. Move to a cool place
2. Loosen tight clothing
3. Cool the body using wet cloths, misting, fanning, or a cool bath
4. Sip water slowly
5. Seek medical attention right away if:
a. Vomiting occurs
b. Symptoms last longer than 1 hour or worsen
c. Confusion develops

Heat Stroke

Symptoms: high body temperature (greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit), hot/red/dry or damp skin, fast & strong pulse, headache/dizziness, nausea/confusion/passing out

1. Call 911 immediately
2. Move to a cool place
3. Cool the body using wet cloths, misting, fanning, or a cool bath
4. Do NOT give the person anything to drink

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