Alyssa Jones, Clarendon County 4-H Agent

If you are curious about 4-H, take some time over the summer to check out all our organization’s unique opportunities.
What is 4-H? It’s a youth organization that provides children with learning experiences through the learn-by-doing approach. We focus on the following topics: Agriculture & Animals, Civic Engagement and Leadership, Healthy Lifestyles, Natural Resources, Science, Engineering & Technology, and 4-H Pinckney Leadership. We offer various activities, clubs, camps, projects covering each topic, and much more!
Our county is strong in livestock and gardening, but many of our kids have interests in STEAM, fabric arts, painting and drawing, and animals. Some of our county’s 4-H students are participating in the Small Garden Project and the Pollinator Ambassadors course.

Along with projects, the students fill out a Record Book to keep track of their progress and provide a space for them to problem-solve. The Clarendon County office will host a Record Book Work Day on July 27.
If you’d like to join or start a club, contact Alyssa Jones, your Clarendon County 4-H agent, by emailing or calling 843-944-8611. Most of our clubs will begin meeting in August, except for a few new clubs, including Teen Council. Look out for the Teen Council application on Facebook and in the text message group (text Clarendon 4h to 877-885-0184 to join the group) in the next couple of weeks.
For more information about South Carolina 4-H, check out
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