Dawn Stuckey, 4-H Youth Development Agent

The Hampton County Watermelon Festival is South Carolina’s oldest continuing festival. Since 1939, it has been a celebration of, for, and by the families of Hampton County and beyond. The festival began as a way to recognize and promote the top producers of watermelons and quickly became a symbol of Hampton County Hospitality. Legend says that the idea of a festival grew from a conversation between the Hampton Clemson Extension Agent John Anthony and local news reporter S. L. Malphrus. They took their idea to Mayor J. Frank Rivers, and together, the Hampton Booster Club was created, and the annual tradition began. (https://hcmelonfest.org/history)
Watermelon Contest
On Saturday, June 22, 2024, Clemson Extension hosted the Annual Melon Judging Contest. Participants across the county and neighboring counties spend countless hours grooming their watermelon crops for the perfect melon to win this year’s contest. Entries are received at the Hampton Gazebo for judging on Saturday morning while the community and hundreds of visitors await the much-anticipated festival parade. Organized by the Hampton Administrative Assistant, Lisa Terry, and judged by Agents Rogan Gibson and Anna Sara Hill, the contest recognizes the best Crimson Sweet, Jubilee, Charleston Gray, and any “other” variety of melons entered. There is also recognition of the heaviest melon from any variety.
The 82nd Hampton County Watermelon Festival Melon judging winners are as follows. Best Crimson Sweet – Carter Parnell (Don Mixon Farm). Best Jubilee category- Jenny Parnell (Don Mixon Farm). Best Charleston Gray category and the Grand Champion–Morgan Parnell (Don Mixon Farm) The best “other” Variety was a Sangria – Sarah Beth Thomas (Thomas Farms) Heaviest Melon – 47.6-pound Jubilee entered by Jenny Parnell (Don Mison Farm)

Fine Arts and Crafts Contest
The Arts and Crafts Contest is one way local Hamptonians and Watermelon Festival fans express their appreciation for the watermelon artistically. Whether it be sewing, crafting, quilting, needlework, or painting, there is a category to highlight the talented work of local seamstresses and artists. Hosted by the Hampton Clemson Extension Office, the arts and crafts entries are judged and displayed for the festival patrons to view. Watermelon-themed entries from youth and adults are accepted at the beginning of the festivities and returned at the close of the festival to allow the public to view the talents of Hampton County Artists as they enjoy the numerous events across the county during festival week. Thanks to all of the participants for sharing their beautiful projects this year. This year’s winners included:

Youth 14 and under: 1st place Cadence Hadwin with a watermelon canvas
2nd place Josiah Trent with a watermelon mosaic design
3rd place to Josiah Trent with a watermelon painting

Adult (out of county)
1st place: Desiree’ Rahn with a watermelon Gnome

Adult (in county)
1st place: Connie Nettles with a framed Watermelon acrylic entitled “Home Grown”
2nd place: Faye Shores with a handmade Watermelon purse/tote
3rd place: Belinda Winn with a handmade ceramic Watermelon Trinket Dish

To see more information about the Hampton County Watermelon Festival, visit https://hcmelonfest.org/.
Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.