Christine J. Patrick, County Extension Agent – EFNEP
Are you looking for ways to stretch your food dollars and have more money to pay other expenses? You can save money at the grocery store during these challenging economic times by planning and following some simple guidelines.
Make a Menu Plan for the Week: When your time is too limited, plan every meal, prepare each day’s main meal, and add several healthful snacks. Most people rely on a core of about ten rotated recipes for family meals. Collect recipes for low-cost, nutritious main dishes, including at least one that is meatless.
Write a Shopping List and Stick to It: The list should be on:
- Your menus for the week
- The amount of money you can spend on food
- The amount of money you can spend on food
- Ingredients you have in your cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer
- Items that are on sale
- Flexibility to substitute one food for another to get the best buy
Shop at the Best Time: It is easier to stick to your shopping list and avoid impulse buys if you are not rushed and have enough time to compare products and find bargains. Shop alone, without children and other family members. Do not shop when you are tired or hungry. Shop when the store is less crowded, such as mid-week, early morning, or late evening.
Organize Your Shopping List According to the Store Layout: Shop the store’s perimeter, or edges, first. Fresh produce, meats, dairy, bread, and healthier, less processed foods usually are found in this area. Don’t go down every aisle. It reduces the temptation to buy items that are not on your list, saving time. The more time you spend in the grocery store, the more money you spend. According to the Food Marketing Institute, the average spent is about $2.17 per minute.
Check Store Specials: These are advertised in weekly flyers, radio, television, and newspaper ads. When you get to the store, look for other unadvertised specials and quick sales. If the store is out of a sale item, ask for a “rain check” to get the item later at the sale price. Sales on different categories of items are rotated on about a 12-week cycle. By stocking up when foods are on sale, you can take advantage of the best prices and shop from your pantry later. Buy fruits and vegetables that are in season.
Clip and Use Coupons: This can save at least 10 to 15 percent on your grocery bill. Use coupons only for foods you usually buy and if a cheaper store brand is unavailable. If you have access to a computer, print off coupons from Websites of products you use and stores where you shop. Ask if your store honors coupons from other stores or matches advertised prices. Take advantage of double and triple coupon days and senior citizens days if you qualify. Remember to mail-in rebates and refund coupons.
Use Store Discount Cards: Ask if you need this “loyalty card” to get the advertised savings. Cardholders are usually offered in-store discounts and may get extra coupons printed on store receipts.
Shop at Low-cost Stores: No-frills and warehouse stores, farmers’ markets, co-ops, dollar stores, and “day old” bread stores usually have low-cost foods. Generally, non-food items are cheaper at discount stores than in grocery stores.
Compare Unit Prices of Similar Foods: The unit price is the cost per pound, ounce, pint, quart, gallon, or some other unit of measure. Many grocery stores provide it on a printed label attached to the shelf directly below the product. This label shows the size of the package, the amount in the box, the total price of the item, and the unit price. Unit price helps you compare national brands with store and generic brands. Store and generic brands almost always cost less and usually taste the same as the national brands.
Look Up and Look Down: The more expensive items are at “eye level.” Store brands that may be cheaper and just as good are often placed higher or lower on the shelves. The store most wants to sell items on the shelves between knee height and shoulder height. The highest markup items are about chest level, making them easy to grab and toss in the shopping cart. Lower-priced things are on the bottom shelves.
Be Alert When Checking Out: Ignore the magazine, candy, and soda displays, the store’s last attempts to get you to spend money. Watch the register or check your receipt to ensure that prices ring up as advertised or as indicated on the shelf label. Watch for potential pricing errors such as:
- A product gets scanned twice.
- The sale price of an item hasn’t been entered into the computer.
- Something you thought was on sale was out of place and rang up at the regular price.
- The checker enters the wrong code for a produce item they don’t recognize.
- Make sure all items are put into your bag or cart, and those breakable and crushable items are bagged correctly. Carry foods home as quickly as possible to ensure the quality and safety of perishable items.
Cook and Eat More Meals at Home: Cooking the “old-fashioned way” from scratch is better for your budget and health. Convenience foods cost more and often contain added fat, salt, sugar, and calories but fewer nutrients.
Serve “Planned Overs,” not Leftovers: Cook once, eats twice. Buy enough ingredients to cook more than one meal, and freeze meal-sized portions for later. Sometimes you can get two meals for one, plus you aren’t tempted to grab fast food when time is limited!
Grow Some of Your Food: Plant items like tomatoes and strawberries in pots on your patio if garden space is limited. Grow herbs in a flower pot or windowsill container. Plant beans to run up a small trellis. For more information about Stretching Your Food Dollars visit the Clemson HGIC website.
The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.