Samantha Porzelt, Water Resources Extension Agent – Dorchester County
On October 23rd, 2021 the Ashley Cooper Stormwater Education Consortium collaborated with the South Carolina Native Plant Society Lowcountry Chapter to provide a Soil Sample Drive at the Fall Plant Sale. Customers of the plant sale had the opportunity to bring in soil samples from their garden to be submitted to the Clemson University Agricultural Service Laboratory for analysis. The Soil Sample Drive also gave customers of the plant sale an opportunity to learn about Water Resources Agents roles, and what programs and services Clemson Extension has to offer.
Soil testing is a helpful tool for home gardeners. The soil test results give recommendations on the amount of fertilizer and lime to add to a garden for promoting healthy plant growth. When gardeners follow the recommendations from their soil test, they help reduce excess fertilizer nutrients from entering our waterways. This event will be held again at the upcoming South Carolina Native Plant Society Spring Plant Sale on Saturday, March 19th from 9am-12pm at Charles Towne Landing.
Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.