Savannah Valley District

Barnwell 4-H Horse Club Decorates Scarecrow on the Circle

Shannon Herndon, County Extension 4-H Agent Members of the Barnwell 4-H Horse Club gathered on the circle in Barnwell Sunday, October 6th to stuff and paint scarecrows for the Rotary Scarecrow Village Contest sponsored by Rotary Club. Be sure to vote online before October 19th. Scarecrows will be on display through November 3rd. Clemson University […]

Savannah Valley Market Hog Sale

Hillary Pope, Area Livestock and Forages Agent Join the Savannah Valley 4-H program for the annual market hog sale and awards program.  We invite you to support our youth that have worked hard this year with their projects.  Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, […]

Celebrating Clemson Extension Employee’s Service Milestones in October:

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL UNIVERSITY STAFF WHO ACHIEVED MILESTONES IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER. BRANDI MINTZ, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, 10/14/2014 – (10) YEARS! LISA TERRY, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT,     10/31/2006 – (18) YEARS! EACH CELEBRATING YEAR(S) AT CLEMSON UNIVERSITY. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national […]