Savannah Valley District

Around the Countryside – Sweet Potatoes in the Home Garden

Around the Countryside

Sweet Potatoes in the Home Garden

Marion Barnes, Senior County Extension Agent

Clemson University

The South Carolina low country is a great place to grow sweet potatoes (Ipomea batatas) in the home garden due to our long growing season and well-drained soil types. Sweet potatoes are highly nutritious and a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates. They are a healthy alternative to white potatoes, which have a high glycemic index. Sweet potatoes are in the morning glory plant family (Convolvulaceae) and produce enlarged, edible storage roots. This tropical, warm-season plant is a Native American crop and originated from South America.

The following are a few tips for anyone considering planting sweet potatoes in the home gardens.

Planting dates

Optimum planting dates for sweet potatoes in the state’s Coastal region are generally April 15 through July 1. Be mindful of late frost that may occur in April to avoid freeze damage.

Site selection

Sweet potato plants require full sun to develop fully and need to receive 8 to 10 hours of sun each day. Due to their long trailing vines, avoid planting them near garden plants with upright growth habits. Taller plants such as sweet corn can block out sunlight to lower growing sweet potato vines.

Soil type and fertilization

Sandy or well-drained loamy soils are best for growing sweet potatoes. Compacted soils can negatively impact storage root shape and development. Poorly drained and high clay content soils can result in lower yields and rotted storage roots. Sweet potatoes are tolerant of wide soil pH ranges but do best at 6.0 to 6.5 soil pH. Proper fertilization begins with a soil test. Fertilization should be based on soil test results.

Soil preparation, planting, and watering

Soil temperatures should be above 65 degrees F. before planting. Sweet potatoes are grown from transplants called “slips” produced from the previous season’s crop roots. Most gardeners choose to purchase slips from garden stores since sweet potatoes for seed are challenging to obtain and start. Plant slips on raised beds, 3 feet apart to allow for early cultivation and weed control, and 8 to 12 inched apart on the row. Water is especially important during the transplant, establishment, and root development stages. Sweet potatoes require at least 1 inch of water (rainfall or irrigation per week) for normal growth. Always water plants in the morning to reduce the incidence of disease. Excessive watering during the latter stages of storage root development can lead to splitting.

Weeds, diseases, and insects

Weed control is most challenging and important until plants cover the row. Shallow cultivation is necessary to prevent root damage. Several insects and diseases can damage sweet potatoes. Soil-borne insects like wireworms and nematodes are the most common. The guava root-knot nematode considered one of the most damaging in the world because of its wide host range, was identified in commercial sweet potatoes in Darlington County in 2017. The guava root-knot nematode can affect other vegetables like peppers, cucumbers, watermelons, and tomato crops. The sweet potato weevil is another severe pest, especially to commercial growers, and can be found in several counties along the coast. Purchasing certified disease-free resistant varieties can help reduce the spread of destructive pests.

Harvest, curing, and storage

Most sweet potato varieties should be ready for harvesting about 90 to 120 days after planting. Harvest before frosts cools soil temperatures, which can reduce yield, quality, and storage life. Sweet potato skin is extremely thin, so care should be taken not to bruise or damage freshly dug roots when digging and handling. For proper curing, air-dry sweet potatoes out of direct sunlight at 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit—store where the temperature does not fall below 55 degrees Fahrenheit and check for decay or rot frequently. Under suitable conditions, sweet potatoes can be stored for several months.

Sweet potatoes are a versatile southern food and can be prepared and enjoyed in a variety of ways. If you chose not to grow your own sweet potatoes, there is always the option of visiting your local farmer’s market in the fall and purchasing them fresh from our local farmers.

For more information on growing sweet potatoes, check out the Clemson Extension Home and Garden Factsheet HGIC 1322, Sweet Potato at

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