Savannah Valley District

Canvas and Conservation

Amanda Taylor, Forestry and Natural Resources Agent Art and conservation have long gone hand in hand. In the 19th century, artists from the Hudson River School headed west to paint the American wilderness. Their work sparked a movement that birthed the U.S. Forest Service and legislation that led to more wise use of our natural […]

Eastern Tent Caterpillars Are on the Move

Marion Barnes, Senior County Extension Agent – Clemson University Spring has arrived in the low country; home gardeners are working in their gardens, azaleas, and dogwoods have been blooming for several weeks, and tent caterpillars are appearing on our trees’ foliage and shrubs. The eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma americanum, is a native pest of North […]

Bradford Pear Bounty Programs

Janet Steele Area Forestry and Wildlife Agent   Area Agents Rob Last and Janet Steele for Savannah Valley District. We were part of a team of natural resource professionals that braved a chilly Saturday morning in December to distribute free native trees to Lexington area homeowners who had removed Bradford pears from their landscape. Begun […]

Farm Safety: New Years Resolutions

Marion Barnes, Senior County Extension Agent Clemson University The New Year brings with it the talk of resolutions. Resolutions, however, have a reputation for being declared and then forgotten. Why not make a promise this year involving your family and their future? Make a promise to create a safer work environment for your farming operation. […]

Emerging Opportunities in Ecosystem Services Markets for Timberland Owners and Managers

Janet W. Steele, Area Forestry and Wildlife Agent Ecosystem services, or the additional benefits provided to humans by forests other than manufactured products, include clean air and water, carbon sequestration, and intangible benefits such as natural beauty. Recent opportunities have become available or are being developed in South Carolina to generate income for timberland owners […]

Chainsaw Use Considerations Among South Carolina’s Female Forest Landowners and Managers

Janet W. Steele, Area Extension Agent – Forestry and Wildlife Female forest landowners are gradually increasing across the southeast as lands transition from one generation to the next or from husband to wife. As more female landowners become involved in the day-to-day operations of their property, the need for practical training on equipment such as […]

Beaver Control and Management

Parker Johnson, Forestry and Wildlife Agent The North American Beaver is present in all 46 counties of South Carolina. If you want to control and manage beavers on your property, there are several lethal and non-lethal options to implement in your management strategy. Depending on the situation, trapping or shooting beavers is often the most […]

South Carolina Growers

Extension Agents Rob Last and Bruce Mclean Agricultural exploits continue in Orangeburg and Calhoun counties with the advent of the New Year. Recently, in Orangeburg, Extension Agents Rob Last, Bruce Mclean, I held a hands-on field day for muscadine pruning and fertility management. We were fortunate to have the local and technical college participate and […]

Calhoun/Orangeburg Newsletter

Janet Steele, Clemson Cooperative Extension Forestry Agent The Orangeburg-Calhoun Forest Landowners Association met in person on Thursday, September 30, 2021. The group’s previous meetings had been virtual since the Covid pandemic began in 2020. Mr. Jimmy Guthrie hosted approximately 30 members at his property in Neeses. A large picnic pavilion provided a picturesque location for […]

Derrick Phinney, Natural Resources Program Director Dorchester County

Derrick Phinney is the Natural Resources Program Director for Clemson Cooperative Extension providing statewide programmatic leadership to extension agents working in forestry, wildlife, and water. He received both a B.S and M.S in Forest Management from Clemson University and is a registered forester. Derrick’s experience is working in land management and environmental regulations since 1998. […]