Savannah Valley District

Why You Should Join A Landowner Association

Amanda Taylor, Forestry and Natural Resources Agent

Do you own or manage land in South Carolina? Are you interested in learning more about topics relevant to your work? Want to network with professionals, legislators, advocates, and other landowners? 

You should join a landowner association! 

What is a landowner association? 

Landowner associations are typically nonprofit entities or informal groups. Members are landowners themselves, working professionals, or local legislators and leaders. Depending on the association, meetings can occur 2 to 3 times a year. Membership dues are a common practice to fund advocacy efforts, meetings, and other events. 

What happens at these meetings? 

Most landowner associations are affiliate members of the Forestry Association of South Carolina.

You can expect a meal and an educational program. Speakers may come from agencies like DNR, Clemson Extension, or the SC Forestry Commission to share the latest updates on land management strategies. Professionals from private companies are common speakers, offering insights into the state of the industry. The Forestry Association will sometimes have speakers available to discuss their latest initiatives to increase forestry economic development or recent legislative actions that directly impact you. You may receive continuing education credit for your attendance, depending on your association. Commonly, these credits are for professional status with the Society of American Foresters, the South Carolina Department of Pesticide Regulation, or the International Society of Arborists. 

How does my membership impact forestry and agriculture in our state? 

By becoming a member of a landowner association, you are promoting public interest in agriculture and natural resources. Many local, state, and federal policies directly impact you and your neighbors, but people in your community may not be aware of that impact. Joining a landowner association helps you become more connected with your neighbors and work together for change in your community. Your voice is powerful, and your local landowner association needs you! 

How do I find my local landowner association? 

You can click this link and head to the Forestry Association of South Carolina’s


Have questions about joining, revitalizing, or starting an association?

Reach out to your local Forestry Extension Agent to learn more about organizations in your region. Click here to see our staff list:

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