Dawn Stuckey 4-H Youth Development Agent, Colleton, and Hampton Counties
At the November Colleton County 4-H Club meeting, Jeff Molinari, Walterboro City Manager stopped by to talk about how elections are run in Colleton County. He discussed how precincts are established and why there are so many places for people to vote. Having just elected new club officers, members were able to see the impact voting has on a larger scale. 4-H’ers also had the benefit of seeing the machines used to vote in the Clemson Extension Office which serves as one of the polling sites for the city. During the meeting, parents were able to find out where they should vote and how to find information about candidates. This was a real-world connection for the students to learn how their vote can impact their future. We send a big 4-H Thank You to Mr. Molinari.

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