Dawn Stuckey 4-H Youth Development Agent, Colleton, and Hampton Counties
Fall brings lots of change for 4-H. We begin the new club year and make plans for our course of study. During the first few club meetings planning and improvements are discussed. Because 4-H is a student-led organization, students get to determine what they want to study for the year. Members also decide who will run the club by having elections. To run for office, 4-H members were required to create a campaign speech outlining why they would be the best candidate to serve as an officer in their club. Following campaign speeches, members used a secret ballot to vote for their choice for President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Reporter. This year Justice Olim was elected President of the Colleton County 4-H Club, Austin Murdaugh was elected Vice-President, no secretary was elected, and Michaelann Crosby was elected Club Reporter. We look forward to a great year with our new leaders.

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