Savannah Valley District

Healthy Tip of the Week: Honey

Did you know?

 Jar of honey Not all Honey tastes the same or is even the same color.  Honey reflects the colors and flavors from the nectar of the flowers visited by bees. There are more than 300 flavors of Honey in the United States. As a rule, the taste of light-colored Honey is milder and darker-colored Honey is more robust. Besides being a natural sweetener, Honey has benefits such as soothing a sore throat and a natural energy booster.

Honey is collected from wild bee colonies or domesticated beehives. On average, a hive will produce about 65 lbs. of Honey per year.

As a reminder, do not introduce Honey to children younger than one; there can be a risk of infant botulism.;

Local Honey can be found at farmer’s markets or in local specialty stores. If you purchase local Honey, you support local agriculture and Honey from local bees reflecting local flavors and colors.  Honey Nutrition info


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