Rogan Gibson, Joe Varn, & Marion Barnes, County Extension Agents
On August 8, 2023, a Nuisance Wildlife Workshop was held in Allendale County. Participants from Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Colleton, and Hampton Counties attended the meeting to learn about different techniques to control wild hogs and deer. Wild pigs are increasing in distribution and abundance across the Southeast. They can have significant impacts on ecosystems, and cause damage to crops, newly regenerated forests, landscape settings, wildlife food plots, as well as other natural and managed resources.
We’re all aware of the damage that deer cause to agriculture & residential landscapes. At this workshop, emphasis was placed on agriculture and what could be done to reduce the deer population causing farmers substantial income losses because of crop damage.
Also at the meeting, hog traps were set up to show participants the latest tools to trap hogs. Information was presented by speakers from Savannah River Site, USDA, SC DNR, Clemson Cooperative Extension Service, and South Carolina Farm Bureau.
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