Savannah Valley District

Rob Last – Horticulture Agent – Barnwell, Bamberg, Allendale and, Hampton Counties

Rob Last has been with Clemson for one year in April 2021.  He is the Horticulture Agent covering Barnwell, Bamberg, Allendale and, Hampton Counties. Rob graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2001 with a degree in agriculture. After graduation, he began work as a grower producing leafy greens and herbs for the United Kingdom’s national markets and grocery stores. Following on from this, he moved to an advisory role recommending the use of fertilizers, agrochemicals and, environmental enhancement.  In 2007, Rob moved to Sarasota, Florida to, grow watercress and the raw ingredients for spring mix and adjust global fertilizer regimes to comply with more stringent regulations. Rob is passionate about soil health and soil health’s impact on crop nutrition and plant health.  Rob says, “We can reduce the adverse effects of fertilizers in the environment, producing crops more sustainably.”

Through his work at Clemson Extension, he aides commercial horticultural operations with pest, weed,  disease management, and identification.  He also offers various training opportunities and field demonstrations to apply the latest science-based research to the commercial farm. He also works with homeowners, answering their landscape pest, weed, and disease issues.  For example, offering advice on propagation, planting and, pruning. Rob is also involved with school and community gardening projects. Rob’s most memorable experiences to date would be creating instructional videos with coworkers and building the greenhouse at Wade Hampton High School.

Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer

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