Jonathan Croft, Agronomic Crops – Orangeburg, Dorchester, Berkeley Counties
To address questions about the efficacy of foliar fungicide applications in corn via spray drones. Clemson Extension Agent Jonathan Croft and Clemson Corn/Soybean Agronomist Dr. Michael Plumblee worked with a local company that offers aerial applications of agricultural pesticides via drone. Multiple plots were established to determine the application efficacy of foliar fungicides in field corn. The plots were established in a field with a corn behind corn rotation history and a history of foliar diseases in corn. At the time of the fungicide application (full tassel), the foliar disease northern corn leaf blight was present at low levels in the field. Ratings for the incidence of foliar diseases were made at the time of application and several weeks later. When the follow-up ratings were conducted, there was no difference in the foliar disease levels in the treated and non-treated plots. The test will be carried to yield to determine if there are any differences.
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