Hillary Pope, County 4-H & Livestock Agent
Local youth participated in the Savannah Valley 4-H Market Hog Project. Twelve youths from 3 different counties participated in the project. Throughout the project, members cared for their animals daily and attended workshops to learn more about animal science. Participants also had the opportunity to exhibit their animals at the Orangeburg County Fair and the South Carolina State Fair. Premiums and awards were given to participants at each show.

After the state fair, youth were rewarded for their dedication and allowed to participate in the annual Savannah Valley 4-H Market Hog Sale. A total of 9 hogs were sold, with an average price of $741 per animal and a high-selling animal of $1,150. Each participant received 100% of their market hog’s sale. Supporters included Amanda & Jonathan Croft, Buddy Wiggins, Cindy & Bob Hurst, Donnie Infinger, Jana Chassereau, and Margo Huggins – technical sales representative with Americot, H & S Stockyards, and South Carolina Farm Bureau.
For more information on how to become involved in the 4-H Market swine project, contact your local Clemson Extension Office. The 4-H Market Hog Project is for any youth ages 5-19 interested in raising a hog for four months and showing at the Orangeburg Fair and State Fair in 2023. For Rules and Regulations, Premiums and Awards go to the State Fair Website at: https://www.scstatefair.org/competitions/swine/ .
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