Savannah Valley District

Christmas Gifts for Farmers That Promote Farm Safety

Marion Barnes Senior County Extension Agent – Clemson University When choosing Christmas gifts for a farmer, think of farm safety. Protecting their health and safety is a priceless gift that one can give in the form of safety equipment for use on the farm. Small items that make a farmer’s life easier and safer include […]

Winter is Coming! Insulate Your Water Pipes!

Becky Davis, Savannah Valley Water Resources Agent Despite the recent unseasonal warm weather, it will get colder! Although only the most northern counties of South Carolina have monthly average temperatures below freezing. It only takes a few hours of temperatures below 25 degrees to cause pipes to freeze! So, now is the time to prepare! […]

City Manager Visits 4-H Club to Talk About Elections

Dawn Stuckey 4-H Youth Development Agent, Colleton, and Hampton Counties At the November Colleton County 4-H Club meeting, Jeff Molinari, Walterboro City Manager stopped by to talk about how elections are run in Colleton County. He discussed how precincts are established and why there are so many places for people to vote.  Having just elected […]

Colleton County 4-H Club Elects Officers for 2023 – 2024

Dawn Stuckey 4-H Youth Development Agent, Colleton, and Hampton Counties Fall brings lots of change for 4-H. We begin the new club year and make plans for our course of study. During the first few club meetings planning and improvements are discussed. Because 4-H is a student-led organization, students get to determine what they want […]

Palmetto Pony Volunteers at the Orangeburg County Fair

Dawn Stuckey 4-H Youth Development Agent, Colleton, and Hampton Counties Volunteer leader, Robin Barr and her club worked with the Orangeburg County Fair to care for the rabbits and chickens on display this year. The club traveled to the fairgrounds daily to assist with feeding and cleaning cages as part of their community service efforts. […]

Catching up with the Clover Fall 2023

Dawn Stuckey 4-H Youth Development Agent, Colleton, and Hampton Counties Colleton 4-H is in full swing!  We have three clubs returning this year, Colleton County 4-H Club, Blue Ribbon Riders 4-H Club, and Palmetto Pony 4-H Club. Our enrollment is up and our clubs are almost full.  To start the year, clubs edited and created […]

Fall Updates and Plans for 2024 for Clarendon 4-H

Alyssa L. Jones, 4-H Youth Development Clarendon County Clarendon 4-H has had a fantastic Autumn, with some notable wins and successes for the youth! Blake Proffit won Grand Champion for Rabbit and Poultry this last week, November 4, at the Coastal Carolina Fair! He’s worked hard for this all year and previous years in the […]

ATV Safety

Marion Barnes, Senior County Extension Agent All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are typical on many farms and properties and are helpful for work, recreational use, and other modes of off-road transportation. However, ATVs continue to be a source of injuries and fatalities for youths as well as adult operators. According to the S.C. Department of Health and […]

Turkey Prices Looking Better Ahead of 2023 Holidays

David Mansfield, Agribusiness Agent Wholesale prices for frozen turkeys have dropped just in time for the 2023 holiday season. In August 2023, the average price for frozen whole turkeys was $1.27 per pound, which decreased to $1.25 per pound in September, marking the lowest price since July 2021. This price decrease follows a previous rise […]

Cotton Diseases & Fungicide Trial

Rogan Gibson, Dr. John Mueller, Joe Varn, & Charles Davis During the 2023 growing season, three cotton fungicide trials throughout the Savannah Valley have been monitored weekly since early July 2023. One trial is at the Edisto Research and Education Center, while the other two are on-farm demonstrations in Allendale and Calhoun Counties. Two significant […]