Rogan Gibson & Joe Varn, Extension Agronomy Agents
Agronomy Agents Joe Varn and Rogan Gibson hosted two production meetings in Allendale County before the 2023 growing season started. The production meeting intended to further all attendees’ knowledge about the specific crops based on research provided by Clemson Extension. On Thursday, February 23, 2023, approximately sixty farmers and others involved in agriculture from the savannah valley gathered in the Allendale County Clemson Extension office. Dan Anco, Ph.D., presented on variety yield, maturity, susceptibility, leaf spot fungicides, and thrip insecticides. Mike Marshall, Ph.D., spoke on herbicide use in peanuts, heavily weighing in on texas panicum and palmer amaranth control in our peanut crop. Kendall Kirk’s Ph.D. precision agriculture presentation focused on ag technology updates, poor inversion in rank vines, and deer damage. His 2021 research projections show that farmers in South Carolina are losing up to $188 per acre due to deer damage. Nathan Smith, Ph.D., gave us a report on the economic peanut situation in the U.S., stating that 2022 production was down from the previous year. He also noted that we should expect an increase in acres for the 2023 season as some cotton acres will shift to peanuts.
On March 1, 2023, the Allendale Clemson Extension office hosted the regional cotton meeting with fifty people in attendance. Cotton specialist Mike Jones, Ph.D., summarized the 2022 season with acres planted/harvested and yields. His crucial point when speaking on variety selection was to study the data and focus on yield potential and stability. John Mueller, Ph.D., covered the topic of nematodes in cotton and how we manage these pests. Producers need to make sure they are taking nematode samples so the species can be identified for proper management practices. Jeremy Greene’s Ph.D. presentation covered insects in cotton, showing trail data collected from the Edisto research and education center. Scouting is essential to identify the insects and correctly decide what insecticide to use. Nathan Smith, Ph.D., provided us with the economic cotton situation. We are expecting to see cotton acres decrease for 2023 due to prices. After both production meetings, Agents Joe Varn and Rogan Gibson held training for participants interested in getting their dicamba license.
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