Savannah Valley District

Nematode Sampling

Rogan Gibson, Allendale and Hampton County Extension Agronomy Agent Nematodes are microscopic parasites (0.5 – 2.0 mm long) that live in the soil and feed on the roots of our row crops and other plants. Plants affected by nematodes can look stunted or yellowing (chlorosis)—nematodes cause most damage in the first four weeks after a […]

Catching Up with the Clover- Colleton County Summer 2023

Dawn Stuckey, 4-H Youth Development Agent, Colleton/Hampton Counties Clubs have taken a break this summer, but there have been plenty of things going on with Colleton 4-H. Camps, programs, horse shows, and garden projects have been in full swing. Colleton County 4-H Club Blue Ribbon Riders competed in the State Horse Show in June. This […]

Catching up with the Clover! Colleton County 4-H

Dawn Stuckey, Colleton/Hampton 4-H Agent Colleton County 4-H Clubs are busy planning fundraisers and community service projects. This year the Colleton 4-H Club has decided to sponsor a kennel at the Colleton Animal Shelter and will be working to raise the funds to do so. Visit the club’s bake sale on Feb. 25 at Tractor […]

Colleton/Hampton County Annual Fruit and Ornamental Tree Sale Fundraiser

The Clemson Extension Service of Colleton County is holding its annual Fruit and Ornamental Tree sale fundraiser. Proceeds from the sale will benefit Clemson Extension and 4- H programs in Colleton County. Order forms are available at the Colleton County Extension Office located at 611 Black Street, Suite 210 (Bernard Warshaw Building) or on the […]

Pesticide Applicator Trainings Back on Track

Marion Barnes, Senior County Extension Agent After a break from in-person programming due to the pandemic, agricultural producers are again attending Extension meetings. Agricultural producers who purchase and apply restricted-use pesticides (RUPs) must be certified in the safe use and application of pesticide control products. The SC Pesticide Control Act requires all private, commercial and […]

Catching up with the Clover!

By Dawn Stuckey, County 4-H Agent  Colleton County 4-H Clubs are back and off to a great start. This year we have brought back two additional clubs, Palmetto Pony 4-H Club and Blue Ribbon Riders 4-H Club. These clubs will focus on horsemanship and horse care. The Colleton County 4-H Club started meeting in September, […]

National Farm Safety and Health Week- September 18 -24, 2022- Protecting Agriculture’s Future

Marion Barnes, County Extension Agent, Clemson University Since 1944, the third week of September has been recognized as National Farm Safety and Health Week. This recognition was initiated by the National Safety Council and has been proclaimed by each sitting U.S. President since Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the first document. National Farm Safety and Health […]

Homemaker’s Column: Consider Nutrition When Dining Alone

Christine Patrick, County Agent If you’re eating alone regularly, you are part of an increasing trend. Each evening, one in ten Americans is dining alone. Whether it’s an adult heating up a cup of soup or a child micro-waving a TV dinner, dining alone can have its downfalls. Several research studies indicate that the diets of […]


CHRISTINE PATRICK COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT One of the most common food safety questions asked is “How long can food be stored before it becomes unsafe to eat?” There are different recommendations for most foods and HGIC is a great place to call or visit online when you are unsure. Food manufacturers often label their products […]

Avoiding Slips, Trips, and Falls on the Farm

Marion Barnes, Senior County Extension Falls are one of the most common sources of injuries and fatalities in agricultural operations throughout the year. Farmers are at increased risk of slips, trips, and falls due to the nature of their work day. They work with large equipment and livestock from elevated positions such as grain bins, […]