Dawn Stuckey, 4-H Youth Development Agent – Colleton and Hampton Counties
Intergenerational projects are projects where members of different generations work together. By working together, young people and older adults bring tremendous benefits to their community. From art programs to community gardens, there are many ways that different generations can come together as a team and gain an appreciation for one another. In December, Colleton 4-H Club Members and Colleton, Ruffin, Washington Family and Community Leaders Club Members participated in a joint meeting to work together for a common goal – cookie decorating! Research shows that young members who had adult mentors were 46% less likely to use drugs, 50% less likely to skip school, and 33% less likely to exhibit violent behavior. Relationships with adults matter in young people’s lives. They are also a critical ingredient in the well-being of adults as well. Older adults who invest in, care for, and develop the next generation are three times more likely to be happy and have better mental and physical health overall. The next time you have a project, consider working with a different age group and see how they grow.
Colleton County 4-H and CRW FCL work together to learn cookie decorating techniques. Mrs. Sally Stevens demonstrated how to use the icing packs.
CRW FCL members compare cookies. 4-H President Justice Olim and CRW FCL President Sally Stevens

Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.