Savannah Valley District

How Do You Can…?

Gayle Williford, Local Food Systems & Safety Agent, Berkeley County

Humans have been preserving food since the beginning of time. Some methods, such as dehydrating, have been practiced since prehistoric times. Removal of water from food reduces the opportunity for certain types of spoilage to occur. Freezing is simple and requires the least amount of time. If done correctly, using high-quality produce, the finished product can retain its quality. However, freezing only slows down the growth of microorganisms that cause food to spoil.

Another popular option is canning. Canning is the process in which foods are placed in jars or cans and heated to a temperature that destroys microorganisms and inactivates enzymes. Two methods have been practiced in the United States since the early 1900s. The boiling water bath method is used for high-acid food such as fruits, jams and jellies, pickles, preserves, and “acidified” tomatoes. Tomatoes are acidified by adding the correct amount of acid using lemon juice, citric acid, or vinegar. Low-acid foods such as vegetables, meats, poultry, seafood, and vegetable mixtures like soups require the pressure canning method.  As recently as 2015, the atmospheric steam canning method has been approved for use in canning high-acid foods. All home canned foods must be processed correctly to ensure safety.

For more current, up-to-date food preservation information, visit Clemson’s Home and Garden Information Center website. Canning Foods at Home, HGIC fact sheet 3040 will provide you with information about each canning method listed above. Sources for safe canning information are listed in Finding Reliable Recipes for Safe Food Preservation, HGIC fact sheet 3001.

Contact your local county Extension Office for more information.

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