Savannah Valley District

Samantha Porzelt, Water Resources Agent for Berkeley and Dorchester Counties

Samantha Porzelt is a Water Resources Agent for Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester Counties. She started with Clemson Extension on August 30th, 2021. She graduated from Texas A&M at Galveston in 2013 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology. After graduation, Samantha worked as a Biologist at public aquariums, including the South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston, for five years. Her areas of expertise include water quality analysis, fish health, native plant landscaping, and vegetative buffers. Samantha co-coordinates the Ashley Cooper Stormwater Education Consortium that offers educational programs for youth, adults, residential/commercial, and professional/technical audiences. These programs include Storm Drain Markers, Healthy Pond Series, Stream Bank Repair, Master Rain Gardener, Adopt-a-Stream, and more! Samantha’s favorite part about her job with Extention is that there will always be opportunities to continue learning and growing within her role. Field days are always very memorable for Samantha! She says, “It’s great to get everyone outside and work with our hands.”

Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.

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