Savannah Valley District

Using and Storing Apples

Christine Patrick Using and Storing Apples South Carolina-grown apples are available from late August to November. Apples are: a good source of fiber. a source of potassium and vitamin C. low calorie—81 calories per 2½” apple. How to buy apples:  Apples should feel firm. If you can dent one with your finger, it is too […]

FoodShare SC

Michelle Altman, Rural Health Extension Agent – Hampton County FoodShare SC is an organization based out of Columbia, South Carolina. FoodShare SC’s vision is to ensure access to fresh produce for all in our communities. FoodShare SC’s goal is to enhance the quality of life by creating access to fresh, affordable food. FoodShare SC partners […]

Use Native Plants in Holiday Decorations

Laura Lee Rose, Horticulture Agent The possibilities are endless when using the woods and roadsides to gather holiday decorations. Thanksgiving and harvest are celebrated autumn gatherings, so we will be looking for things with fall’s yellow, orange and red flowers, foliage, and fruits. Leaves and vines can be arranged in vases and baskets. Native grasses […]

Preserving Root Vegetables

By Christine Patrick, Health Extension Agent Root vegetables are in season during this time of the year. For those of you who are considering canning and pickling them, you’re in for a pleasant surprise! Beets – Pickled Beets Ingredients 7 pounds of 2- to 2½-inch diameter beets 4 cups vinegar (5 percent acidity) 1½ teaspoons […]

4-H Youth Practice Showmanship Skills Together

Fall is the time of year that SC Livestock 4-H participants prepare for all year long. It is no different for many members of Clarendon County’s 4-H Animals and Outdoors Livestock Club. Youth that participates in 4-H livestock projects must raise and care for a project animal, complete a detailed record book about their project […]

2021 Clarendon County Cotton and Soybean Insect Scouting Workshop

The Cotton and Soybean Insect Scouting Workshop was held on July 28th for Sumter, Clarendon, Williamsburg, and Florence counties. This day-long training was one of several held across the state. Speakers included; Jeremy Greene, Cotton and Soybean Entomologist from EREC, Francis Reay-Jones, Corn and Small Grain Entomologist for the PDREC, Hannah Mikell, Agronomy Agent, and […]

Samantha Porzelt, Water Resources Agent for Berkeley and Dorchester Counties

Samantha Porzelt is a Water Resources Agent for Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester Counties. She started with Clemson Extension on August 30th, 2021. She graduated from Texas A&M at Galveston in 2013 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology. After graduation, Samantha worked as a Biologist at public aquariums, including the South Carolina Aquarium […]

More Broccoli. Please!

Christine Patrick Parents and children seem to have more struggles over vegetables than any other kind of food. Vegetables should be offered in the same matter-of-fact way that all other foods are offered Start vegetables in infancy. Talk to your doctor or WIC program about how and when to begin solid foods. Some nutritionists recommend […]

Gayle Williford, 4-H Agent and Food Systems and Safety Agent: Dorchester and Berkeley Counties

Gayle provides information in various settings to all age groups relating to foods, nutrition, and healthy lifestyles. Information may be provided through classes/workshops, demonstrations, exhibits, etc. She currently holds membership in the SC Association of Extension 4-H Agents, National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, and the SC Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences and […]

Jennifer Smalls, Administrative Assistant: Berkeley County

Jennifer Smalls serves as the Administrative Assistant for the Berkeley County Clemson Extension Office. She provides services, advice, and assistance for administrative, financial, and clerical business plus other services in support of Berkeley County Clemson Extension programs. Jennifer is responsible for general office management and secretarial support. She provides funds management, publications/printed material management and […]