Savannah Valley District

Bamberg 4-H Wins Ribbons in Handy Craft Contest at SC State Fair

Shannon Herndon, County Extension 4-H Agent

Four Bamberg 4-H members brought home $24 in premiums with three Blue Ribbons in the Fancy Work-Handy Craft Contest at the SC State Fair. Three youth entered pottery pieces made during the Pottery Workshop led by Angie Sandifer, an art teacher at Bamberg-Ehrhardt High School, and one youth entered a Lego creation.   

4-H Participants in the 2024 SC State Fair Fancy Work competition include Rob Hurst, Blue Ribbon for his face mug, Jules Hurst, Blue Ribbon for his face mug, Magnus Napier, Blue Ribbon for his face mug, and William Hurst entered a Lego creation. Tripp Carter made a face mug but did not enter it in the fair.

Tripp Carter, Jules Hurst, Magnus Napier, William Hurst, and Rob Hurst hold their entries and ribbons from the 2024 South Carolina State Fair

Since 2007, 40 4-H youth have entered 161 items for judging in local fairs.  Youth participated in pottery, mosaics, and sewing workshops offered by art teachers and 4-H Volunteers as part of the 4-H Summer Fun Program. The State Fair has awarded one sweepstakes winner, 20 blue ribbons, and 31 red ribbons, and it has awarded $239 dollars in premiums. The Orangeburg County Fair has judged 18 entries, resulting in 10 Blue Ribbons and 6 Red Ribbons, and awarded $89 dollars in premiums. The Western Carolina State Fair awarded a Best of Department.

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