
Daniel Herlong


Name: Daniel Herlong

Hometown: Edgefield, South Carolina

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Favorite place for lunch on campus or in town: Walk-Ons

Favorite Spot on Campus: 3rd floor of Cooper Library. This is where I have practically lived throughout the day during the past couple of years. It’s not only a great place for me to get my studying done, but to run into/meet many new friends as well!

Favorite Question on a tour: Do you like the food here? Answer: Yes! Even as an upperclassman, I still have a meal plan and put it to use almost every single day. It gives many different options for me and I love the fact that it is unlimited because I eat a LOT (especially during bulking season).

Clubs and Organizations you are involved in on campus: Beta Upsilon Chi Fraternity, Student Government, Welcome Week Executive Board, FCA

Hobbies: Working out (Fike is my second home), Golf, Intramural Sports, watching baseball and college football (I’m a huge Braves fan)

Advice for jumping into college life: Although it may sound cliche, truly put yourself out there and be open to the many new opportunities that college has to offer! I said yes to many things my Freshman year that I am not still actively involved with, but these yes’s were steps along the way to finding the community I have today!

Advice on how to choose a college: Choose a college that aligns with your academic goals and needs, but also a place that feels like home. Imagine yourself walking around that particular campus as a student. Most importantly, go to a place that is going to help you grow: as a student, as a leader, as a professional, and as a member of your new community!

Fun fact about myself: Living in “The Peach Capital of the World” (Johnston, SC), I have worked at a peach stand for 4 summers, so I can tell you everything there is to know about peaches and most other locally grown produce!