
Sarah Catherine O’Connell


Name: Sarah Catherine O’Connell

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee

Major: Accounting

Favorite place for lunch on campus or in town: Loose Change

Favorite spot on campus: Bowman! Homecoming Float Week and afternoon playing spikeball are unbeatable

Favorite question on a tour: Do you have intramural sports? I love this question because I get to talk about the Battleship league where they put kayaks in the pool and throw dodgeballs at the opposing team to “sink” their battleships.

Clubs and Organizations you are involved in on campus: Student Alumni Council, Clemson University Student Government, Tri Delta, RUF

Hobbies: Playing Spikeball, intramurals (notably Ultimate Frisbee with my fellow Tour Guides), chatting and drinking coffee on my porch, walking the dikes, and helping plan campus events!

Advice for jumping into college life: GET INVOLVED! College is awesome, because there truly is something for everyone. With over 500 student organizations it can be something as niche as the Game of Thrones Club or something more leadership focused such as Student Government. Expanding your circle of people will help you make more connections, gain perspective, and make a bigger school feel small.

Advice on how to choose a college: To be honest, there’s likely a lot of places you’ll be happy. I found myself getting bogged down in the details of choosing the perfect school for me. After talking to Clmeson alumni and current students, I found that for one, they’re all obsessed with this community, and two they all talked about how they grew at Clemson. Look for somewhere where you want to plant your feet and buy into every aspect. BUT don’t stress — there are many paths to happiness and success, so whatever decision you make — feel good about it!

Fun fact about yourself: In Kindergarten, my teachers taught me my ABCs both forwards and backwards.